Qualification material for

TH-MOS (Kid Size)

Team TH-MOS (Kid Size)
Contact Xiao Xiang
Postal address Department of Precision Instruments,Tsinghua University, Haidian District, Beijing 100084, P.R. China. |
Video http://youtu.be/vA81YB-5Cg8
Team description paper TH_MOS_Humanoid_KidSize_2015_TDP.pdf
Title: Team Description Paper of MOS2015 From TH-MOS
Authors: Xiao Xiang, Wu Yingnan, Yuan Bodi, Ren Wei, Liu Li, Li Zhen, Yin Chengzhen, Mei Bin
Abstract: Abstract. This paper describes the design of the robot “MOS series” and the improvements of robot MOS2015, which is based on MOS2014. The robots are used as a vehicle for humanoid robotics research on multiple areas such as stability and control of dynamic walking, external sensing abilities and behavior control strategies. Compared with last year’s robot, the improved robot has changes in both hardware and software,MOS2015 will be used in RoboCup 2015 competitions. PS: video title:TH-MOS_RobotVideo
Robot specifications TH_MOS_Humanoid_KidSize_2015_Specs.pdf

If you encounter any technical problems, please contact dseifert@inf.fu-berlin.de

If you have questions regarding the application, please contact the Humanoid League Technical Committee