Qualification material for

WF Wolves & Taura Bots Teen (Teen Size)

Team WF Wolves & Taura Bots Teen (Teen Size)
Contact Rodrigo da Silva Guerra
Postal address DPEE - CT - UFSM | Av. Roraima, 1000, Camobi | Santa Maria, RS | Brazil | CEP 97105-900
Video http://youtu.be/c6Qqn4K1Z1I
Team description paper WF_Wolves_Taura_Bots_Teen_Humanoid_TeenSize_2015_TDP.pdf
Title: WF Wolves & Taura Bots Teen Size 2015
Authors: Christopher Tasch\and Diego Luceiro\and Eduardo Henrique Maciel\and Fernando Berwanger\and Minda Xia\and Frank Stiddien\and Leandro Tom\'e Martins\and Lucas Wilke Dalla Rosa\and Oliver Krebs\and Renato Ventura Bayan Henriques\and Reinhard Gerndt\and Rodrigo da Silva Guerra\and Stefan Krupop\and Tobias Bolze\and Walter Fetter Lages
Abstract: This is the Team Description Paper for the joint team WF Wolves \& Taura Bots for the Teen Size Humanoid League robot soccer tournament during RoboCup $2015$. Taura Bots is a new, brazilian team from Universidade Federal de Santa Maria together with Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, that is collaborating with WF Wolves, who have participated in all Kid Size competitions since $2009$. This collaboration allowed us to exchange hardware, software and expertise, giving us confidence to attempt Teen Size for the first time in $2015$.
Robot specifications WF_Wolves_Taura_Bots_Teen_Humanoid_TeenSize_2015_Specs.pdf

If you encounter any technical problems, please contact dseifert@inf.fu-berlin.de

If you have questions regarding the application, please contact the Humanoid League Technical Committee