Qualification material for

BehRobot (Adult Size)

Team BehRobot (Adult Size)
Contact S.Mohammadreza Mohades Kasaei
Postal address University Blvd, Arqavanieh, Jey Street | Isfahan,Iran | P.O.Box:81595-158
Video http://youtu.be/hQCIya5kT2k
Team description paper BehRobot_Humanoid_AdultSize_2015_TDP.pdf
Title: BehRobot Humanoid Adult Size Team Team Description Paper 2015
Authors: S.Mohammadreza Mohades Kasaei, Ali Ahmadi, Ehsan Shahri, Saman Saraf, Majid Delshad
Abstract: This technical description explains BehRobot adult size robot specification that have improved and customized to participate in RoboCup 2015. This paper de-scribes scientific aspects and improvement of our robot including mechanical im-provements, Electrical design and software modifications.
Robot specifications BehRobot_Humanoid_AdultSize_2015_Specs.pdf

If you encounter any technical problems, please contact dseifert@inf.fu-berlin.de

If you have questions regarding the application, please contact the Humanoid League Technical Committee