Qualification material for

CIT Brains (Kid) (Kid Size (regular and drop-in))

Team CIT Brains (Kid) (Kid Size (regular and drop-in))
Contact Youta Seki
Postal address 2-17-1, Tsudanuma, Narashino, Chiba, JAPAN
Video https://youtu.be/5ID7Rx6MWYY
Team description paper CIT_Brains_Kid_Humanoid_KidSize_regularanddrop_in_2017_TDP.pdf
Title: CIT Brains (Kid Size League)
Authors: Youta Seki
Abstract: This paper describes the overall system of CIT Brains KidSize humanoid robot Accelite. In the recent RoboCup Humanoid Soccer League there are many changes to the rules towards the final goal of 2050. Such as changing the material from carpet to artificial grass and changing the ball color. The rules changes created new challenges in the field of image processing and walk control. This year we im-plemented deep learning and preview control to improve image recognition and walk control, respectively.
Robot specifications CIT_Brains_Kid_Humanoid_KidSize_regularanddrop_in_2017_Specs.pdf

If you encounter any technical problems, please contact dseifert@inf.fu-berlin.de

If you have questions regarding the application, please contact the Humanoid League Technical Committee