Qualification material for

T-FLOW (Teen Size (regular and drop-in))

Team T-FLOW (Teen Size (regular and drop-in))
Contact Dadet Pramadihanto
Postal address St. Raya ITS, Sukolilo, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia, 60111
Video https://youtu.be/KIM6VhWq6kY
Team description paper T_FLOW_Humanoid_TeenSize_regularanddrop_in_2017_TDP.pdf
Title: T-Flow Team
Authors: T-Flow Team
Abstract: this paper we describe the achievement of humanoid robot research T-Flow to join the RoboCup humanoid Legue 2017 teen size.Kinematics of the robot system T-Flow use Full body kinematic equation. Forward kinematic and inverse kinematic used on any part of the robot is to simplify the design of the path Trajectory planing. The amount of the joint which is almost close to humans to Trajectory planing, especially on the trajectory plan, heads, arms, waist, hip, and leg.so the movement motion that will create a more flexible and closer to human behavior. Robot vision system using stereo camera. The stereo camera can get the information of color, shape, and depth of objects. The third merger such information then the object can be segmented properly.The result is a robot can run the challage at the RoboCup humanoid Legue 2017.
Robot specifications T_FLOW_Humanoid_TeenSize_regularanddrop_in_2017_Specs.pdf

If you encounter any technical problems, please contact dseifert@inf.fu-berlin.de

If you have questions regarding the application, please contact the Humanoid League Technical Committee