Qualification material for

RoboFEI-HT (Kid Size (regular and drop-in))

Team RoboFEI-HT (Kid Size (regular and drop-in))
Contact Reinaldo Augusto da Costa Bianchi
Postal address Av. Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco, 3972-B - Assunção, São Bernardo do Campo - São Paulo - Brasil, zip:09850-901
Video https://youtu.be/so5U2kkhX0A
Team description paper RoboFEI_HT_Humanoid_KidSize_regularanddrop_in_2017_TDP.pdf
Title: RoboFEI Humanoid Team 2017
Authors: Almeida, Aislan C. and Perico, Danilo H. and Homem, Thiago P. D. and Silva, Isaac J. and Vilao, Claudio O. and Ferreira, Vinicius N. and Garcia, Amanda G. and Gali, Jade C. C. and Neto, Sylvio R. J. and Ricci, Wagner R. and Carregaro, Luccas M. and Rayneau, Vincent and Tonidandel, Flavio and Bianchi, Reinaldo A. C.
Abstract: This paper contains the description of mechanical, electrical and software modules, designed and implemented to enable the robots to play soccer in the environment of the RoboCup Humanoid League. It presents the description of the RoboFEI-Humanoid Team (RoboFEI-HT) as it stands for the RoboCup 2017 in Nagoya, Japan.
Robot specifications RoboFEI_HT_Humanoid_KidSize_regularanddrop_in_2017_Specs.pdf

If you encounter any technical problems, please contact dseifert@inf.fu-berlin.de

If you have questions regarding the application, please contact the Humanoid League Technical Committee