Qualification material for

NimbRo TeenSize (Teen Size (regular and drop-in))

Team NimbRo TeenSize (Teen Size (regular and drop-in))
Contact Sven Behnke
Postal address University of Bonn | Computer Science Institute VI, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 144 | , 53113 Bonn
Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8Ni5cB9FCc
Team description paper NimbRo_TeenSize_Humanoid_TeenSize_regularanddrop_in_2017_TDP.pdf
Title: NimbRo TeenSize Team Description 2017
Authors: Philipp Allgeuer, Hafez Farazi and Sven Behnke
Abstract: This paper describes the RoboCup Humanoid League team NimbRo TeenSize of Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat Bonn, Germany, as required by the RoboCup qualification procedure for the competition held from the 27th of July to the 30th of July 2017 in Nagoya, Japan. Our team uses self-constructed robots for playing soccer. This paper describes the mechanical and electrical design of the robots, covers the software used, and highlights some of our scientific achievements, including in particular in areas of motion and perception.
Robot specifications NimbRo_TeenSize_Humanoid_TeenSize_regularanddrop_in_2017_Specs.pdf

If you encounter any technical problems, please contact dseifert@inf.fu-berlin.de

If you have questions regarding the application, please contact the Humanoid League Technical Committee