Qualification material for

CIT Brains (Kid Size (regular+drop-in))

Team CIT Brains (Kid Size (regular+drop-in))
Contact Satoshi Shimada
Postal address Chiba Institute of Technology, 2-17-1 Tsudanuma, Narashino, Chiba, JAPAN
Video https://youtu.be/caT5n84DilM
Team description paper CIT_Brains_Humanoid_KidSize_regular_drop_in_2018_TDP.pdf
Title: CIT Brains (Kid Size League)
Authors: Satoshi Shimada and Yasuo Hayashibara and Hideaki Minakata and Kiyoshi Irie and Ryu Yamamoto and Masayuki Ando and Joshua Supratman and Shota Hirama and Riki Hayashi and Ryohei Goto and Ryoma Aoki and Takaharu Nakajima and Shuto Takano and Naoki Takahashi and Yuta Hatakeyama and Kenta Kawamata and Kanta Takasu and Ayana Enosawa and Taisuke Otsuki and Koki Matsumoto and Morito Ito and Takumi Ogasawara and Nguyen Anh Quan and Youta Seki and Chisato Kasebayashi and Kensuke Saito and Shigechika Miki and Yoshitaka Nishizaki and Kenji Kanemasu and Hajime Sakamoto and Shuichi Yamaguchi
Abstract: In this paper, we describes the overall system of Accelite and CIT Brains' new open platform robot GankenKun-OP for KidSize humanoid robot. This year we developed a new robot with robust mechanism and improved image processing and strategy.
Robot specifications CIT_Brains_Humanoid_KidSize_regular_drop_in_2018_Specs.pdf

If you encounter any technical problems, please contact farazi@ais.uni-bonn.de

If you have questions regarding the application, please contact the Humanoid League Technical Committee
