Team | FALCONBOTS ITSSMT (Kid Size (regular+drop-in)) |
Contact | Luis Angel Ramirez Reyes |
Postal address | Camino a Barranca de Pesos S/N San Lucas Atoyatenco San Martn Texmelucan, Puebla, Mexico 74120 |
Video |
Team description paper | FALCONBOTS_ITSSMT_Humanoid_KidSize_regular_drop_in_2018_TDP.pdf Title: FALCONBOTS TEAM DESCRIPTION PAPER ROBOCUP 2018 MONTREAL, CANADA Authors: Luis A. {Ramirez}, Adolfo {Altamirano}, Julio C. {Juarez}, Jorge {Francisco}, Alberto A. {Sanchez} and Alejandro {Vazquez} Abstract: This article describes the functioning of the FALCONBOT system by briefly detailing the scientific aspects developed in the robotics and mechanics laboratory ITSSMT for participation in RoboCup held in Montreal, Canada. In addition to describing in chronological order the passage of FALCONBOTS by RoboCup. |
Robot specifications | FALCONBOTS_ITSSMT_Humanoid_KidSize_regular_drop_in_2018_Specs.pdf |
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If you have questions regarding the application, please contact the Humanoid League Technical Committee