
Technological Achievements

Since the premiere of the RoboCup Humanoid League in 2002 the pace of progress and the number of scientific and technological achievements through the participating teams have been remarkable. While in 2002 almost all robots struggled with basic locomotion capabilities like standing on one leg, walking and kicking, nowadays teams of robots in Kid and Teen Size perform fast and exciting soccer games autonomously with many goals. To properly assess these achievements it must be considered that the humanoid robots are fully autonomous and the only external sensors allowed are human like (i.e. no active range sensors and vision is limited to a human like field of view of 180 degrees). Also the foot area size is quite limited with respect to the height of the center of mass.

Scientific Achievements

Scientific achievements in the Humanoid League have been documented in a large number of publications in major journals and at major international conferences. Prominent examples are

and the Workshops on Humanoid Soccer Robots (HSR) at the IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots

Educational Achievements

The development of humanoid robots able to play soccer is a fundamental challenge problem for robotics and AI. Since the start of the humanoid league in 2002, there have been lots of improvements in humanoid soccer robots hardware and software. This is partially due to the introduction of standard and competitions for complex simulated robots (3D Simulation). In order to have a long term goal in the learning aspects of humanoid robotics, it has been started to organize International School on Humanoid Soccer Robots in different part of the world. The objective of the these schools are to give students deep insights into the currently leading approaches in the filed of humanoid soccer robots. By defining, International School on Humanoid Soccer Robots, humanoid league is planning to define a project to promote the RoboCup Community.